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Bradley, C. K., Choi, E., Abdalla, M., Mizuno, H., Lam, M., Cepeda, M., Sangapalaarachchi, D., Liu, J., Muntner, P., Kario, K., Viera, A. J., Schwartz, J. E., & Shimbo, D. (2023). Use of Different Blood Pressure Thresholds to Reduce the Number of Home Blood Pressure Monitoring Days Needed for Detecting Hypertension. Hypertension, 80(10), 2169–2177. https://doi.org/10.1161/hypertensionaha.123.21118
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Bryant, K. B., Rao, A. S., Cohen, L. P., Dandan, N., Kronish, I. M., Barai, N., Fontil, V., Zhang, Y., Moran, A. E., & Bellows, B. K. (2023). Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Team-Based Care for Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis and Simulation Study. Hypertension, 80(6), 1199–1208. https://doi.org/10.1161/hypertensionaha.122.20292
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