Impact of Social Media on Healthcare Communication

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Niño de Rivera, S., Masterson Creber, R., Zhao, Y., Eslami, S., Mangal, S., Dugdale, L. S., & Reading Turchioe, M. (2024). Public perspectives on increased data sharing in health research in the context of the 2023 National Institutes of Health Data Sharing Policy. PLOS ONE, 19(8), e0309161.
Publication Date
Chakraborty, R., Cliff, E. R. S., & Kishtagari, A. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Blood Cancer Talks, a Novel ‘how I Treat’ Style Podcast on Hematologic Malignancies: A Survey-Based Analysis. Blood, 142(Supplement 1), 7270–7270.
Publication Date
Baskota, S. U., Jenkins, J., Hogan, M., & Rezaei, M. K. (2023). Live Presentation and Twitterchat as Helpful Tools for Audience Engagement-An Experience from American Society of Cytopathology (ASC)-eJournal Committee. Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology, 12(5), S11–S12.
Publication Date
Tanhehco, Y. C., Ipe, T. S., Booth, G. S., & Adkins, B. D. (2023). Academic Productivity of Early Career Transfusion Medicine Specialists: A Workforce Study. Transfusion Medicine Reviews, 37(1), 36–40.
Publication Date
Avram, R., So, D., Iturriaga, E., Byrne, J., Lennon, R., Murthy, V., Geller, N., Goodman, S., Rihal, C., Rosenberg, Y., Bailey, K., Farkouh, M., Bell, M., Cagin, C., Chavez, I., El-Hajjar, M., Ginete, W., Lerman, A., Levisay, J., … Pereira, N. (2022). Patient Onboarding and Engagement to Build a Digital Study After Enrollment in a Clinical Trial (TAILOR-PCI Digital Study): Intervention Study. JMIR Formative Research, 6(6), e34080.
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