Health Workforce

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Krasna, H., Venkataraman, M., Robins, M., Patino, I., & Leider, J. P. (2024). Standard Occupational Classification Codes: Gaps in Federal Data on the Public Health Workforce. American Journal of Public Health, 114(1), 48–56.
Publication Date
Tepper, M. C., Leckman-Westin, E., Sosiak, R., & Smith, T. E. (2024). Workforce Monitoring: Staffing Patterns in the Public Mental Health Workforce in New York State, 2009–2021. Psychiatric Services, 75(1), 81–82.
Publication Date
Michaels, I., Pirani, S., Fleming, M., Arana, M. M., D’Angelo, E., Dyer-Drobnack, C., DiManno, M., Ravenhall, S., & Gloria, C. T. (2022). Enumeration of the Public Health Workforce in New York State: Workforce Changes in the Wake of COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20), 13592.
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