Simulation Training

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Chipman, M. L., Schreiber, C. M., Fey, J. M., Lane, S. J., DiLisio, C., & Mallory, L. A. (2023). Engagement Across Professions. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
Publication Date
Lee, J., Venishetty, N., Movassaghi, M., Kovac, E., Winer, A., Anderson, C. B., Small, A. C., Badalato, G. M., Atallah, W., Basralian, K., Dwivedi, P., Ernst, M., Winer, A., Ghodoussipour, S., Jang, T., Kanofsky, J., Kim, J., Marean, M., Munver, R., … Veneziano, D. (2024). The New York Section EMPIRE Collaborative: Piloting a Multi-Institutional, Simulation-Based Surgical Skills Boot Camp for Junior Urology Residents. Urology Practice, 11(4), 761–768.
Publication Date
Stefanidis, D., Cook, D., Kalantar-Motamedi, S.-M., Muret-Wagstaff, S., Calhoun, A. W., Lauridsen, K. G., Paige, J. T., Lockey, A., Donoghue, A., Hall, A. K., Patocka, C., Palaganas, J., Gross, I. T., Kessler, D., Vermylen, J., Lin, Y., Aebersold, M., Chang, T. P., Duff, J., … Toseef Ansari, M. (2024). Society for Simulation in Healthcare Guidelines for Simulation Training. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 19(1S), S4–S22.
Publication Date
Lerner, V., Arabkhazaeli, M., DeStephano, C. C., Wu, H., & Chen, C. C. (2024). Modification of Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery Manual Tasks Simulation Curriculum With the Addition of the Vaginal Cuff Closure Training. Journal of Surgical Education, 81(1), 122–133.
Publication Date
Danieli, P. P., Hanson, M. D., VanRiper, L., van Hoof, M.-J., Thomas, I., Sibeoni, J., Raats, P., Prins, C., Porter, S., Piot, M.-A., Nair, B., Mian, I., Leung, K., Hibbard, K., Billon, G., Benoit, L., Baker, J. D., Alleyne, S., de Carvalho-Filho, M. A., … Martin, A. (2023). Psychiatric Clinical Training Across Borders: Developing Virtual Communities of Practice Through International Co-constructive Patient Simulation. Academic Psychiatry, 48(1), 71–76.
Publication Date
James, J., Irace, A. L., A. Drusin, M., Kim, A. H., Gudis, D. A., & Overdevest, J. B. (2022). Thinking Beyond the Temporal Bone Lab: A Systematic Process for Expanding Surgical Simulation in Otolaryngology Training. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 132(7), 828–836.
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