Ventricular Septum

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Iliopoulos, I., Mastropietro, C. W., Flores, S., Cheung, E., Amula, V., Radman, M., Kwiatkowski, D., Puente, B. N., Buckley, J. R., Allen, K. Y., Loomba, R., Karki, K. B., Chiwane, S., Cashen, K., Piggott, K., Kapileshwarkar, Y., Gowda, K. M. N., Badheka, A., … Raman, R. (2022). Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum: Midterm Outcomes from a Multicenter Cohort. Pediatric Cardiology, 45(4), 847–857.
Publication Date
Nguyen, S. N., Quaegebeur, J. M., Farooqi, K., Bacha, E. A., & Goldstone, A. B. (2024). Staged Ventricular Septation of the Double-Inlet Ventricle: How-I-Do-It. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual, 27, 86–91.
Publication Date
Villalaín, C., Moon‐Grady, A. J., Herberg, U., Strainic, J., Cohen, J. L., Shah, A., Levi, D. S., Gómez‐Montes, E., Herraiz, I., & Galindo, A. (2023). Prediction of postnatal circulation in pulmonary atresia/critical stenosis with intact ventricular septum: systematic review and external validation of models. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 62(1), 14–22. Portico.
Publication Date
Cheung, E. W., Mastropietro, C. W., Flores, S., Amula, V., Radman, M., Kwiatkowski, D., Puente, B. N., Buckley, J. R., Allen, K., Loomba, R., Karki, K., Chiwane, S., Cashen, K., Piggott, K., Kapileshwarkar, Y., Gowda, K. M. N., Badheka, A., Raman, R., Costello, J. M., … Iliopoulos, I. (2023). Procedural Outcomes of Pulmonary Atresia With Intact Ventricular Septum in Neonates: A Multicenter Study. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 115(6), 1470–1477.
Publication Date
Joong, A., Zuckerman, W. A., Koehl, D., Cantor, R., Alejos, J. C., Ameduri, R. K., Boyle, G. J., Rothkopf, A. C., Kirklin, J. K., & Gajarski, R. J. (2022). Outcomes of infants with pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum listed for heart transplantation: A multi‐institutional study. Pediatric Transplantation, 26(7). Portico.
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