
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25CSV
Beard, J. H., Eschliman, E. L., Wamakima, A., Morrison, C. N., MacMillan, J., & Midberry, J. (2024). Defining harmful news reporting on community firearm violence: A modified Delphi consensus study. PLOS ONE, 19(12), e0316026.
Publication Date
Buttar, N., Rajan, S., Klarevas, L., Prins, S. J., Heinze, J., Cheung, K., Rudolph, K. E., Goyal, M., Zeoli, A., & Branas, C. C. (2024). Protocol for a nationwide case-control study of firearm violence prevention tactics and policies in K-12 schools. PLOS ONE, 19(5), e0302622.
Publication Date
Beard, J. H., Trombley, S., Walker, T., Roberts, L., Partain, L., MacMillan, J., & Midberry, J. (2024). Public health framing of firearm violence on local television news in Philadelphia, PA, USA: a quantitative content analysis. BMC Public Health, 24(1).
Publication Date
Roberts, L., Hoofnagle, M. H., Bushover, B., Gobaud, A. N., Mehranbod, C. A., Fish, C., & Morrison, C. N. (2024). Interstate Highway Connections and Traced Gun Transfers Between the 48 Contiguous United States. JAMA Network Open, 7(4), e245662.
Publication Date
Waller, B. Y., Joseph, V. A., & Keyes, K. M. (2024). Racial inequities in homicide rates and homicide methods among Black and White women aged 25–44 years in the USA, 1999–2020: a cross-sectional time series study. The Lancet, 403(10430), 935–945.
Publication Date
Lennon, T., Ruddy, J., Badesch, B., Krueger, C., Solomon, B., & Hoops, K. (2023). Pediatric Residents’ Outpatient Firearm Screening and Safety Counseling Practices (Or Lack Thereof): A Retrospective Chart Review. Health Promotion Practice, 25(1), 29–32.
Publication Date
Reeping, P. M., Gobaud, A. N., Morrison, C. N., & Branas, C. C. (2023). The Effect of Gun-Free School Zones on Crimes Committed with a Firearm in Saint Louis, Missouri. Journal of Urban Health, 100(6), 1118–1127.
Publication Date
Gobaud, A. N., Mehranbod, C. A., Kaufman, E., Jay, J., Beard, J. H., Jacoby, S. F., Branas, C. C., Bushover, B., & Morrison, C. N. (2023). Assessing the Gun Violence Archive as an Epidemiologic Data Source for Community Firearm Violence in 4 US Cities. JAMA Network Open, 6(6), e2316545.
Publication Date
Stanbouly, D., & Chuang, S.-K. (2022). Self-inflicted craniomaxillofacial gunshot wounds by handguns are more deadly than those by shotguns: an NIS study. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 27(1), 79–87.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Hesson, H. M., Shea, E. A., Appelbaum, P. S., Dishy, G., Cohen-Romano, C., Kennedy, L., Bornico, M., Lee, K., Pia, T., Syed, F., Villalobos, A., Lieberman, J. A., Wall, M. M., Brucato, G., & Girgis, R. R. (2023). Victimology of Mass Shootings and Mass Murders Not Involving Firearms. Violence and Victims, 38(1), 15–24.
Publication Date
Girgis, R. R., Rogers, R. T., Hesson, H., Lieberman, J. A., Appelbaum, P. S., & Brucato, G. (2022). Mass murders involving firearms and other methods in school, college, and university settings: Findings from the Columbia Mass Murder Database. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 68(1), 207–211. Portico.
Publication Date
Kagawa, R., Calnin, B., Smirniotis, C., Cerdá, M., Wintemute, G., & Rudolph, K. E. (2022). Effects of building demolitions on firearm violence in Detroit, Michigan. Preventive Medicine, 165, 107257.
Publication Date
Hoskins, K., Linn, K. A., Ahmedani, B. K., Boggs, J. M., Johnson, C., Heintz, J., Marcus, S. C., Kaminer, I., Zabel, C., Wright, L., Quintana, L. M., Buttenheim, A. M., Daley, M. F., Elias, M. E., Jager-Hyman, S., Lieberman, A., Lyons, J., Maye, M., McArdle, B., … Beidas, R. S. (2022). Equitable implementation of S.A.F.E. Firearm: A multi-method pilot study. Preventive Medicine, 165, 107281.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Mehranbod, C. A., Gobaud, A. N., Jacoby, S. F., Uzzi, M., Bushover, B. R., & Morrison, C. N. (2022). Historical redlining and the epidemiology of present-day firearm violence in the United States: A multi-city analysis. Preventive Medicine, 165, 107207.
Publication Date
Rajan, S., Reeping, P. M., Ladhani, Z., Vasudevan, L. M., & Branas, C. C. (2022). Gun violence in K-12 schools in the United States: Moving towards a preventive (versus reactive) framework. Preventive Medicine, 165, 107280.
Publication Date
Ross, C. S., Gradus, J. L., Siegel, M. B., Alcorn, T., Garverich, S., & Lincoln, A. (2022). Distinct groups of firearm owners with differential risk for suicide in the United States: A latent class analysis. Preventive Medicine, 164, 107185.
Publication Date
Keyes, K. M., Hamilton, A., Tracy, M., Kagawa, R. M. C., Pear, V. A., Fink, D., Branas, C. C., & Cerdá, M. (2022). Simulating the bounds of plausibility: Estimating the impact of high-risk versus population-based approaches to prevent firearm injury. PLOS ONE, 17(6), e0269372.
Publication Date
Afif, I. N., Gobaud, A. N., Morrison, C. N., Jacoby, S. F., Maher, Z., Dauer, E. D., Kaufman, E. J., Santora, T. A., Anderson, J. H., Pathak, A., Sjoholm, L. O., Goldberg, A. J., & Beard, J. H. (2022). The changing epidemiology of interpersonal firearm violence during the COVID-19 pandemic in Philadelphia, PA. Preventive Medicine, 158, 107020.
Publication Date