Hand Deformities, Congenital

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van der Sluijs, P. J., Joosten, M., Alby, C., Attié-Bitach, T., Gilmore, K., Dubourg, C., Fradin, M., Wang, T., Kurtz-Nelson, E. C., Ahlers, K. P., Arts, P., Barnett, C. P., Ashfaq, M., Baban, A., van den Born, M., Borrie, S., Busa, T., Byrne, A., Carriero, M., … Santen, G. W. E. (2022). Discovering a new part of the phenotypic spectrum of Coffin-Siris syndrome in a fetal cohort. Genetics in Medicine, 24(8), 1753–1760. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gim.2022.04.010
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