The Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection (PRECEDE) Study is a Global Effort to Drive Early Detection: Baseline Imaging Findings in High-Risk Individuals

Zogopoulos, G., Haimi, I., Sanoba, S. A., Everett, J. N., Wang, Y., Katona, B. W., Farrell, J. J., Grossberg, A. J., Paiella, S., Klute, K. A., Bi, Y., Wallace, M. B., Kwon, R. S., Stoffel, E. M., Wadlow, R. C., Sussman, D. A., Merchant, N. B., Permuth, J. B., Golan, T., … __. (2024). The Pancreatic Cancer Early Detection (PRECEDE) Study is a Global Effort to Drive Early Detection: Baseline Imaging Findings in High-Risk Individuals. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 22(3), 158–166.
George Zogopoulos
Ido Haimi
Shenin A. Sanoba
Jessica N. Everett
Yifan Wang
Bryson W. Katona
James J. Farrell
Aaron J. Grossberg
Salvatore Paiella
Kelsey Klute
Yan Bi
Michael B. Wallace
Richard S. Kwon
Elena M. Stoffel
Raymond Wadlow
Daniel A. Sussman
Nipun B. Merchant
Jennifer B. Permuth
Talia Golan
Maria Raitses‐Gurevich
Andrew M. Lowy
Joy Liau
John M. Kirkwood
James Lindberg
Daniel C. Chung
Julie Earl
Teresa A. Brentnall
Kasmintan A. Schrader
Vivek Kaul
Chenchan Huang
Hersh Chandarana
Caroline Smerdon
John J. Graff
Fay Kastrinos
Sonia S. Kupfer
Aimee L. Lucas
Rosalie C. Sears
Randall E. Brand
Giovanni Parmigiani
Diane M. Simeone
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Affiliated Authors:
Fay Kastrinos
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