The Hybrid Transtibial Technique for Femoral Tunnel Drilling in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Finite Element Analysis Model of Graft Bending Angles and Peak Graft Stresses in Comparison With Transtibial and Anteromedial Portal Techniques

Saltzman, B. M., Wang, S., Habet, N. A., Hong, I. S., Trofa, D. P., Meade, J. D., Fleischli, J. E., & Piasecki, D. P. (2022). The Hybrid Transtibial Technique for Femoral Tunnel Drilling in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Finite Element Analysis Model of Graft Bending Angles and Peak Graft Stresses in Comparison With Transtibial and Anteromedial Portal Techniques. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Bryan M Saltzman
Shangcheng Wang
Nahir A Habet
Ian S Hong
David P Trofa
Joshua D Meade
James E Fleischli
Dana P Piasecki
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Bryan M Saltzman
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