Durability of blood pressure reduction after ultrasound renal denervation: three-year follow-up of the treatment arm of the randomised RADIANCE-HTN SOLO trial

Rader, F., Kirtane, A. K., Wang, Y., Daemen, J., Lurz, P., Sayer, J., Saxena, M., Levy, T., Scicli, A. S., Thackeray, L., Azizi, M., & Weber, M. W. (2022). Durability of blood pressure reduction after ultrasound renal denervation: three-year follow-up of the treatment arm of the randomised RADIANCE-HTN SOLO trial. EuroIntervention, 18(8), e677–e685. https://doi.org/10.4244/eij-d-22-00305
Florian Rader
Ajay J. Kirtane
Yale Wang
Joost Daemen
Philipp Lurz
Jeremy Sayer
Manish Saxena
Terry Levy
Andrea P. Scicli
Lisa Thackeray
Michel Azizi
Michael A. Weber
Jan Basile
Michael J. Bloch
Melvin D. Lobo
Felix Mahfoud
Roland E. Schmieder
Andrew S.P. Sharp
Candace K. McClure
Glenn Chertow
Thomas Kahan
Harold Dauerman
Steven Ullery
Affiliated Authors:
Ajay J. Kirtane
Author Keywords:
clinical research
clinical trials
renal sympathetic denervation
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