Acceptalility of Second-Line Antidepressant Medications Using Filled Prescription Sequences in a Nationwide Cohort Study

Ouazana-Vedrines, C., Lesuffleur, T., Denis, P., Hoertel, N., Olekhnovitch, R., Olfson, M., Blanco, C., Limosin, F., Rachas, A., Tuppin, P., & Lemogne, C. (2022). Acceptability of Second-Line Antidepressant Medications Using Filled Prescription Sequences in a Nationwide Cohort Study. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 83(6), 21m14248.

Charles Ouazana-Vedrines
Cedric Lemogne
Thomas Lesuffleur
Pierre Denis
Antoine Rachas
Philippe Tuppin
Nicolas Hoertel
Frederic Limosin
Romain Olekhnovitch
Mark Olfson
Carlos Blanco
Affiliated Authors:
Mark Olfson
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Web of Science

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