Three-Year Nursing PhD Model Recommendations from the RWJF Future of Nursing Scholars

Rosa, W. E., Hartley, K., Hassmiller, S. B., Frisch, S. O., Bennett, S. G., Breen, K., Goldberg, J. I., Koschmann, K. S., Missel, A. L., de Campos, A. P., Pho, A. T., Rausch, J., Schlak, A. E., Shook, A., Tierney, M. K., Umberfield, E., & Fairman, J. A. (2022). Three-Year Nursing PhD Model Recommendations from the RWJF Future of Nursing Scholars. Journal of Nursing Education, 61(1), 19–28.
William E. Rosa
Kim Hartley
Susan B. Hassmiller
Stephanie O. Frisch
Stephanie G. Bennett
Katherine Breen
Jessica I. Goldberg
Kara S. Koschmann
Amanda L. Missel
Amisha Parekh de Campos
Anthony T. Pho
Jamie Rausch
Amelia E. Schlak
Alic Shook
Meghan K. Tierney
Elizabeth Umberfield
Julie A. Fairman
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Jamie Rausch
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