Analysis of tranexamic acid usage in adult spinal deformity patients with relative contraindications: does it increase the risk of complications?

Mullin, J. P., Soliman, M. A. R., Smith, J. S., Kelly, M. P., Buell, T. J., Diebo, B., Scheer, J. K., Line, B., Lafage, V., Lafage, R., Klineberg, E., Kim, H. J., Passias, P. G., Gum, J. L., Kebaish, K., Eastlack, R. K., Daniels, A. H., Soroceanu, A., Mundis, G., … Burton, D. (2024). Analysis of tranexamic acid usage in adult spinal deformity patients with relative contraindications: does it increase the risk of complications? Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 1–8.
Jeffrey P Mullin
Mohamed A R Soliman
Justin S Smith
Michael P Kelly
Thomas J Buell
Bassel Diebo
Justin K Scheer
Breton Line
Virginie Lafage
Renaud Lafage
Eric Klineberg
Han Jo Kim
Peter G Passias
Jeffrey L Gum
Khaled Kebaish
Robert K Eastlack
Alan H Daniels
Alex Soroceanu
Gregory Mundis
Richard Hostin
Themistocles S Protopsaltis
D Kojo Hamilton
Munish C Gupta
Stephen J Lewis
Frank J Schwab
Lawrence G Lenke
Christopher I Shaffrey
Shay Bess
Christopher P Ames
Douglas Burton
Affiliated Authors:
Lawrence G Lenke
Author Keywords:
adult spinal deformity surgery
antifibrinolytic therapy
thromboembolic complications
tranexamic acid
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