Complications and outcomes of posterior fossa decompression with duraplasty versus without duraplasty for pediatric patients with Chiari malformation type I and syringomyelia: a study from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium

Akbari, S. H. A., Yahanda, A. T., Ackerman, L. L., Adelson, P. D., Ahmed, R., Albert, G. W., Aldana, P. R., Alden, T. D., Anderson, R. C. E., Bauer, D. F., Bethel-Anderson, T., Bierbrauer, K., Brockmeyer, D. L., Chern, J. J., Couture, D. E., Daniels, D. J., Dlouhy, B. J., Durham, S. R., Ellenbogen, R. G., … Limbrick, D. D. (2022). Complications and outcomes of posterior fossa decompression with duraplasty versus without duraplasty for pediatric patients with Chiari malformation type I and syringomyelia: a study from the Park-Reeves Syringomyelia Research Consortium. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics, 30(1), 39–51.
Hassan S.A. Akbari
Alexander T. Yahanda
Laurie L. Ackerman
P. David Adelson
Raheel Ahmed
Gregory W. Albert
Philipp R. Aldana
Tord D. Alden
Richard C.E. Anderson
David F. Bauer
Tammy Bethel-Anderson
Karin Bierbrauer
Douglas L. Brockmeyer
Joshua J. Chern
Daniel E. Couture
David J. Daniels
Brian J. Dlouhy
Susan R. Durham
Richard G. Ellenbogen
Ramin Eskandari
Herbert E. Fuchs
Gerald A. Grant
Patrick C. Graupman
Stephanie Greene
Jeffrey P. Greenfield
Naina L. Gross
Daniel J. Guillaume
Todd C. Hankinson
Gregory G. Heuer
Mark Iantosca
Bermans J. Iskandar
Eric M. Jackson
George I. Jallo
James M. Johnston
Bruce A. Kaufman
Robert F. Keating
Nicklaus R. Khan
Mark D. Krieger
Jeffrey R. Leonard
Cormac O. Maher
Francesco T. Mangano
J. Gordon McComb
Sean D. McEvoy
Thanda Meehan
Arnold H. Menezes
Michael S. Muhlbauer
Brent R. O'Neill
Greg Olavarria
John Ragheb
Nathan R. Selden
Manish N. Shah
Chevis N. Shannon
Joshua S. Shimony
Matthew D. Smyth
Scellig S.D. Stone
Jennifer M. Strahle
Mandeep S. Tamber
James C. Torner
Gerald F. Tuite
Elizabeth C. Tyler-Kabara
Scott D. Wait
John C. Wellons
William E. Whitehead
Tae Sung Park
David D. Limbrick
Affiliated Authors:
Richard C.E. Anderson
Jeffrey P. Greenfield
Author Keywords:
chiari malformation
posterior fossa decompression
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