Changes in the Prevalence of Symptoms of Depression, Loneliness, and Insomnia in U.S. Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Look AHEAD Study

Chao, A. M., Wadden, T. A., Clark, J. M., Hayden, K. M., Howard, M. J., Johnson, K. C., Laferrère, B., McCaffery, J. M., Wing, R. R., Yanovski, S. Z., & Wagenknecht, L. E. (2021). Changes in the Prevalence of Symptoms of Depression, Loneliness, and Insomnia in U.S. Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Look AHEAD Study. Diabetes Care, 45(1), 74–82.
Ariana M. Chao
Thomas A. Wadden
Jeanne M. Clark
Kathleen M. Hayden
Marjorie J. Howard
Karen C. Johnson
Blandine Laferrere
Jeanne M. McCaffery
Rena R. Wing
Susan Z. Yanovski
Lynne E. Wagenknecht
Affiliated Authors:
Blandine Laferrere
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