Design of the SPIROMICS Study of Early COPD Progression: SOURCE Study

Curtis, J. L., Bateman, L. A., Murray, S., Couper, D. J., Labaki, W. W., Freeman, C. M., Arnold, K. B., Christenson, S. A., Alexis, N. E., Kesimer, M., Boucher, R. C., Kaner, R. J., Barjaktarevic, I., Cooper, C. B., Hoffman, E. A., Barr, R. G., Bleecker, E. R., Bowler, R. P., Comellas, A., … Martinez, F. J. (2024). Design of the SPIROMICS Study of Early COPD Progression: SOURCE Study. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: Journal of the COPD Foundation, 11(5), 444–459.
Jeffrey L Curtis
Lori A Bateman
Susan Murray
David J Couper
Wassim W Labaki
Christine M Freeman
Kelly B Arnold
Stephanie A Christenson
Neil E Alexis
Mehmet Kesimer
Richard C Boucher
Robert J Kaner
Igor Barjaktarevic
Christopher B Cooper
Eric A Hoffman
R Graham Barr
Eugene R Bleecker
Russell P Bowler
Alejandro Comellas
Mark T Dransfield
Michael B Freedman
Nadia N Hansel
Jerry A Krishnan
Nathaniel Marchetti
Deborah A Meyers
Jill Ohar
Wanda K O'Neal
Victor E Ortega
Robert Paine Iii
Stephen P Peters
Benjamin M Smith
Jadwiga A Wedzicha
J Michael Wells
Prescott G Woodruff
MeiLan K Han
Fernando J Martinez
Affiliated Authors:
Robert J Kaner
R Graham Barr
Benjamin M Smith
Fernando J Martinez
Author Keywords:
health-related quality of life
imaging phenotypes
preserved ratioimpaired spirometry
smoking-related lung disease
preserved ratio-impaired spirometry
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