Changes in Sources of Information about the Risks and Benefits of Cannabis in a National Cohort of US Adults from 2017 - 2021

Graham, F. J. L., Keyhani, S., Ling, P., Pravosud, V., Nguyen, N., Hasin, D., & Cohen, B. E. (2024). Changes in Sources of Information about the Risks and Benefits of Cannabis in a National Cohort of US Adults from 2017 – 2021. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Francis Julian L Graham
Salomeh Keyhani
Pamela Ling
Vira Pravosud
Nhung Nguyen
Deborah Hasin
Beth E Cohen
Affiliated Authors:
Deborah Hasin
Author Keywords:
health personnel
information seeking behavior
mass media
medical cannabis
medical usage
social media
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