Patient-Specific Rods in Adolescent and Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Narrative Review

Bautista, A. G., Reyes, J. L., Lee, N. J., Fields, M. W., Sardar, Z. M., Lenke, L. G., Lombardi, J. M., & Lehman, R. A. (2024). Patient-Specific Rods in Adolescent and Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: A Narrative Review. International Journal of Spine Surgery, 18(S1), S57–S63.
Anson G Bautista
Justin L Reyes
Nathan J Lee
Michael W Fields
Zeeshan M Sardar
Lawrence G Lenke
Joseph M Lombardi
Ronald A Lehman
Affiliated Authors:
Justin L Reyes
Nathan J Lee
Michael W Fields
Zeeshan M Sardar
Lawrence G Lenke
Joseph M Lombardi
Ronald A Lehman
Author Keywords:
spine surgery
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
adolescent spinal deformity
adult spinal deformity
novel technology
patient-specific rods
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