A Systematic Scoping Review of Peridelivery Pain Management for Pregnant People With Opioid Use Disorder: From the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine

Lim, G., Soens, M., Wanaselja, A., Chyan, A., Carvalho, B., Landau, R., George, R. B., Klem, M. L., Osmundson, S. S., Krans, E. E., Terplan, M., & Bateman, B. T. (2022). A Systematic Scoping Review of Peridelivery Pain Management for Pregnant People With Opioid Use Disorder: From the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine. Anesthesia & Analgesia. https://doi.org/10.1213/ane.0000000000006167
Grace Lim
Mieke Soens
Anne Wanaselja
Arthur Chyan
Brendan Carvalho
Ruth Landau
Ronald B George
Mary Lou Klem
Sarah S Osmundson
Elizabeth E Krans
Mishka Terplan
Brian T Bateman
Affiliated Authors:
Ruth Landau
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