Multilevel Factors for Adiposity Change in a Population-Based Prospective Study of Black Breast Cancer Survivors

Qin, B., Kim, K., Goldman, N., Rundle, A. G., Chanumolu, D., Zeinomar, N., Xu, B., Pawlish, K. S., Ambrosone, C. B., Demissie, K., Hong, C.-C., Lovasi, G. S., & Bandera, E. V. (2022). Multilevel Factors for Adiposity Change in a Population-Based Prospective Study of Black Breast Cancer Survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 40(20), 2213–2223.
Bo Qin
Dhanya Chanumolu
Nur Zeinomar
Baichen Xu
Elisa Bandera
Kate Kim
Noreen Goldman
Andrew G. Rundle
Karen S. Pawlish
Christine B. Ambrosone
Chi-Chen Hong
Kitaw Demissie
Gina S. Lovasi
Affiliated Authors:
Andrew G. Rundle
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Web of Science

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