Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health

Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health. (2024). Implementation Science, 19(S2).
Elizabeth Austin
Elsa S. Briggs
Angel Chueng
Erin LePoire
Brittany Blanchard
Amy M. Bauer
Morhaf Al Achkar
Diane Powers
Allison J. Carroll
Emily Fu
Andrew D. Carlo
Lisa Rosenthal
Jeffrey Rado
Jens Brockmeyer
Sarah Philbin
Inger Burnett‐Zeigler
Neil Jordan
C. Hendricks Brown
J. David Smith
Nathalie Moise
Amy Jones
Danielle Gadbois
Virna Little
Elaine Fleck
Andrea T. Duran
Lisa Saldana
Lisa B. Dixon
Tom Smith
Jay Carruthers
Joseph Schwartz
Hannah C. Espeleta
Marin Kautz
Shari L. Wade
Rochelle F. Hanson
Theresa S. Betancourt
Nathan Hansen
Adeyinka M. Akinsulure‐Smith
Jordan Farrar
Matías Placencio-Castro
Jordan Freeman
Affiliated Authors:
Elizabeth Austin
Elsa S. Briggs
Allison J. Carroll
Emily Fu
Andrew D. Carlo
Lisa Rosenthal
Jeffrey Rado
Jens Brockmeyer
Sarah Philbin
Inger Burnett‐Zeigler
Neil Jordan
C. Hendricks Brown
Nathalie Moise
Elaine Fleck
Andrea T. Duran
Joseph Schwartz
Theresa S. Betancourt
Matías Placencio-Castro
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