A nationwide evaluation study of the quality of care and respect of human rights in mental health facilities in Ghana: results from the World Health Organization QualityRights initiative

Moro, M. F., Carta, M. G., Gyimah, L., Orrell, M., Amissah, C., Baingana, F., Kofie, H., Taylor, D., Chimbar, N., Coffie, M., Cole, C., Ansong, J., Ohene, S., Tawiah, P. E., Atzeni, M., D’Oca, S., Gureje, O., Funk, M., Drew, N., & Osei, A. (2022). A nationwide evaluation study of the quality of care and respect of human rights in mental health facilities in Ghana: results from the World Health Organization QualityRights initiative. BMC Public Health, 22(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-13102-2
Maria Francesca Moro
Mauro Giovanni Carta
Leveana Gyimah
Martin Orrell
Caroline Amissah
Florence Baingana
Humphrey Kofie
Dan Taylor
Nurokinan Chimbar
Martha Coffie
Celline Cole
Joana Ansong
Sally-ann Ohene
Priscilla Elikplim Tawiah
Michela Atzeni
Silvia D’Oca
Oye Gureje
Michelle Funk
Nathalie Drew
Akwasi Osei
Affiliated Authors:
Maria Francesca Moro
Author Keywords:
who qualityrights
human rights
psychiatric services
un crpd
mental healthcare
quality of care
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