The MURANO study: final analysis and retreatment/crossover substudy results of VenR for patients with relapsed/refractory CLL

Kater, A. P., Harrup, R. A., Kipps, T. J., Eichhorst, B., Owen, C., Assouline, S. E., Lamanna, N., Robak, T., de la Serna, J., Jaeger, U., Cartron, G., Montillo, M., Mellink, C., Langerak, A. W., Chyla, B., Popovic, R., Jiang, Y., Millen, R., Lefebure, M., … Seymour, J. F. (2025). The MURANO study: final analysis and retreatment/crossover substudy results of VenR for patients with relapsed/refractory CLL. Blood Journal.
Arnon P Kater
Rosemary Anne Harrup
Thomas J Kipps
Barbara Eichhorst
Carolyn Owen
Sarit E Assouline
Nicole Lamanna
Tadeusz Robak
Javier de la Serna
Ulrich Jaeger
Guillaume Cartron
Marco Montillo
Clemens Mellink
Anton W Langerak
Brenda Chyla
Relja Popovic
Yanwen Jiang
Rosemary Millen
Marcus Lefebure
Maria Thadani-Mulero
Michelle Boyer
John F Seymour
Affiliated Authors:
Nicole Lamanna
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