RACGAP1 variants in a sporadic case of CDA III implicate the dysfunction of centralspindlin as the basis of the disease

Wontakal, S. N., Britto, M., Zhang, H., Han, Y., Gao, C., Tannenbaum, S., Durham, B. H., Lee, M. T., An, X., & Mishima, M. (2022). RACGAP1 variants in a sporadic case of CDA III implicate the dysfunction of centralspindlin as the basis of the disease. Blood, 139(9), 1413–1418. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.2021012334
Sandeep N. Wontakal
Benjamin H. Durham
Mishan Britto
Masanori Mishima
Huan Zhang
Yongshuai Han
Chengjie Gao
Xiuli An
Sarah Tannenbaum
Margaret T. Lee
Affiliated Authors:
Sandeep N. Wontakal
Benjamin H. Durham
Sarah Tannenbaum
Margaret T. Lee
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Web of Science

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