Combination of Venetoclax and Azacitidine in Patients with Treatment-Naive, High-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes with Responses Leading to Stem Cell Transplantation

Garcia-Manero, G., Odenike, O., Fleming, S., Roboz, G. J., Jacoby, M., Cunningham, I., Kreuzer, K.-A., Enjeti, A. K., Baer, M. R., Cook, R., Jurcic, J., Ku, G., Zhou, Y., Hoffman, D., Potluri, J., & Garcia, J. S. (2023). Combination of Venetoclax and Azacitidine in Patients with Treatment-Naive, High-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes with Responses Leading to Stem Cell Transplantation. Blood, 142(Supplement 1), 1868–1868.
Guillermo García‐Manero
Olatoyosi Odenike
Shaun Fleming
Gail J. Roboz
Meagan A. Jacoby
Ilona Cunningham
Karl‐Anton Kreuzer
Anoop Enjeti
Maria R. Baer
Rachel Cook
Joseph G. Jurcic
Grace Ku
Ying Zhou
David Hoffman
Jalaja Potluri
Jacqueline S. Garcia
Affiliated Authors:
Gail J. Roboz
Joseph G. Jurcic
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