Phase 1/2 First-in-Human Study of the Menin-MLL Inhibitor DSP-5336 in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Leukemia

Daver, N., Zeidner, J. F., Yuda, J., Watts, J. M., Levis, M. J., Fukushima, K., Ikezoe, T., Ogawa, Y., Brandwein, J., Wang, E. S., Miyazaki, Y., Pardee, T., Hosono, N., Shima, T., Yokoyama, H., Asada, N., Jurcic, J., Cai, H., Watanabe, A., … Erba, H. P. (2023). Phase 1/2 First-in-Human Study of the Menin-MLL Inhibitor DSP-5336 in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Acute Leukemia. Blood, 142(Supplement 1), 2911–2911.
Naval Daver
Joshua F. Zeidner
Junichiro Yuda
Justin M. Watts
Mark J. Levis
Kentaro Fukushima
Takayuki Ikezoe
Yoshiaki Ogawa
Joseph Brandwein
Eunice S. Wang
Yasushi Miyazaki
Timothy S. Pardee
Naoko Hosono
Takahiro Shima
Hisayuki Yokoyama
Noboru Asada
Joseph G. Jurcic
Hongliang Cai
Akinobu Watanabe
Matthew Hitron
Emily Brooks
Bo Xu
Robert Z. Orlowski
Hagop M. Kantarjian
Harry P. Erba
Affiliated Authors:
Joseph G. Jurcic
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