Management of Total Frontal Bone Loss After Surgery for Craniosynostosis: The Modified Visor Bone Flap With Brain Cage

Valenti, A. B., Asadourian, P., Guadix, S., Truong, A. Y., Buontempo, M., Hoffman, C. E., Souweidane, M., & Imahiyerobo, T. A. (2022). Management of Total Frontal Bone Loss After Surgery for Craniosynostosis: The Modified Visor Bone Flap With Brain Cage. The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 61(1), 144–149.
Alyssa B Valenti
Paul Asadourian
Sergio Guadix
Albert Y Truong
Michelle Buontempo
Caitlin E Hoffman
Mark Souweidane
Thomas A Imahiyerobo
Affiliated Authors:
Alyssa B Valenti
Paul Asadourian
Albert Y Truong
Thomas A Imahiyerobo
Author Keywords:
bone grafting
craniofacial growth
surgical technique
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