Associations Between Latent Classes of Trauma Exposure and Minority Stressors and Substance Use Among Cisgender Sexual Minority Women

Scheer, J. R., Wall, M. M., Veldhuis, C. B., Ford, J. V., Cascalheira, C. J., Helminen, E. C., Shaw, T. J., Jaipuriyar, V., Zaso, M. J., & Hughes, T. L. (2023). Associations Between Latent Classes of Trauma Exposure and Minority Stressors and Substance Use Among Cisgender Sexual Minority Women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(13–14), 8286–8315.
Jillian R Scheer
Melanie M Wall
Cindy B Veldhuis
Jessie V Ford
Cory J Cascalheira
Emily C Helminen
Thomas J Shaw
Virinca Jaipuriyar
Michelle J Zaso
Tonda L Hughes
Affiliated Authors:
Melanie M Wall
Tonda L Hughes
Author Keywords:
alcohol and other drug use
latent class analysis
minority stressors
sexual minority women
trauma exposure
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