Randomized Trial of COBRA PzF Stenting to Reduce the Duration of Triple Therapy: The COBRA-REDUCE Trial

Byrne, R. A., Colleran, R., Coughlan, J. J., Jauhar, R., Maillard, L., De Labriolle, A., Maeng, M., Croft, C., Brunner, M., Leistner, D., Zrenner, B., Kollum, M., Laugwitz, K.-L., Xhepa, E., Mayer, K., Lahu, S., Joner, M., Kirtane, A., … Mehran, R. (2024). Randomized Trial of COBRA PzF Stenting to Reduce the Duration of Triple Therapy: The COBRA-REDUCE Trial. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 17(10). https://doi.org/10.1161/circinterventions.123.013735
Robert A Byrne
Róisín Colleran
J J Coughlan
Rajiv Jauhar
Luc Maillard
Axel De Labriolle
Michael Maeng
Charles Croft
Michael Brunner
David Leistner
Bernhard Zrenner
Marc Kollum
Karl-Ludwig Laugwitz
Erion Xhepa
Katharina Mayer
Shqipdona Lahu
Michael Joner
Ajay Kirtane
Roxana Mehran
Mark Barakat
Philip Urban
Donald E Cutlip
Adnan Kastrati
Affiliated Authors:
Ajay Kirtane
Author Keywords:
drug-eluting stents
percutaneous coronary intervention
platelet aggregation inhibitors
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