2022-RA-848-ESGO Obstetric and neonatal outcomes after breast cancer: a population-based study

Jorgensen, K., Nitecki, R., Nichols, H., Fu, S., Wu, C.-F., Melamed, A., Brady, P., Gregor, M. C.-M., Clapp, M., Giordano, S., & Rauh-Hain, J. A. (2022). 2022-RA-848-ESGO Obstetric and neonatal outcomes after breast cancer: a population-based study. Fertility/Pregnancy, A176.1-A176. https://doi.org/10.1136/ijgc-2022-esgo.376
Kirsten Jorgensen
Roni Nitecki
Hazel B. Nichols
Shuangshuang Fu
Chi‐Fang Wu
Alexander Melamed
Paula C. Brady
Mariana Chavez-Mac Gregor
Mark Clapp
Sharon H. Giordano
José Alejandro Rauh-Hain
Affiliated Authors:
Alexander Melamed
Paula C. Brady
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