Examining associations between social vulnerability and maternal morbidity among a multicentre cohort of pregnancies complicated by placenta accreta spectrum disorder in New York City

Tavella, N. F., Rosenberg, H. M., Mills, A., Owens, T., Brustman, L., Doulaveris, G., Haberman, S., Limaye, M., Janevic, T., Jessel, R. H., & Bianco, A. T. (2024). Examining associations between social vulnerability and maternal morbidity among a multicentre cohort of pregnancies complicated by placenta accreta spectrum disorder in New York City. BMJ Public Health, 2(2), e001083. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjph-2024-001083
Nicola Francesco Tavella
Henri Mitchell Rosenberg
Alexandra Mills
Thomas Owens
Lois Brustman
Georgios Doulaveris
Shoshana Haberman
Meghana Limaye
Teresa Janevic
Rebecca Hope Jessel
Angela Teresa Bianco
Affiliated Authors:
Teresa Janevic
Author Keywords:
environmental exposure
sociodemographic factors
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