Predictive Modeling of New-Onset Postoperative Diplopia Following Orbital Decompression for Thyroid Eye Disease

Nair, A. A., Ediriwickrema, L. S., Dolman, P. J., Law, G., Harrison, A. R., Mokhtarzadeh, A., Stewart, K., Men, C., Lucarelli, M. J., van Landingham, S., Wingelaar, M., Verma, R., Chen, A., Selva, D., Garrity, J., Eckel, L., Kazim, M., Godfrey, K., Baxter, S. L., … Kikkawa, D. O. (2022). Predictive Modeling of New-Onset Postoperative Diplopia Following Orbital Decompression for Thyroid Eye Disease. Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 38(6), 551–557.
Archana A Nair
Lilangi S Ediriwickrema
Peter J Dolman
Geoffrey Law
Andrew R Harrison
Ali Mokhtarzadeh
Krista Stewart
Clara Men
Mark J Lucarelli
Suzanne van Landingham
Maxwell Wingelaar
Rohan Verma
Allison Chen
Dinesh Selva
James Garrity
Laurence Eckel
Michael Kazim
Kyle Godfrey
Sally L Baxter
Bobby S Korn
Don O Kikkawa
Affiliated Authors:
Michael Kazim
Kyle Godfrey
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