The Case for Operative Efficiency in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery: Impact of Operative Time on Complications, Length of Stay, Alignment, Fusion Rates, and Patient-Reported Outcomes

Daniels, A. H., Daher, M., Singh, M., Balmaceno-Criss, M., Lafage, R., Diebo, B. G., Hamilton, D. K., Smith, J. S., Eastlack, R. K., Fessler, R. G., Gum, J. L., Gupta, M. C., Hostin, R., Kebaish, K. M., Klineberg, E. O., Lewis, S. J., Line, B. G., Nunley, P. D., … Mundis, G. M. (2023). The Case for Operative Efficiency in Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery. Spine, 49(5), 313–320.
Alan H Daniels
Mohammad Daher
Manjot Singh
Mariah Balmaceno-Criss
Renaud Lafage
Bassel G Diebo
David K Hamilton
Justin S Smith
Robert K Eastlack
Richard G Fessler
Jeffrey L Gum
Munish C Gupta
Richard Hostin
Khaled M Kebaish
Eric O Klineberg
Stephen J Lewis
Breton G Line
Pierce D Nunley
Gregory M Mundis
Peter G Passias
Themistocles S Protopsaltis
Thomas Buell
Justin K Scheer
Jeffrey P Mullin
Alex Soroceanu
Christopher P Ames
Lawrence G Lenke
Shay Bess
Christopher I Shaffrey
Douglas C Burton
Virginie Lafage
Frank J Schwab
Affiliated Authors:
Lawrence G Lenke
Spinal Fusion (MeSH)
Lordosis (MeSH)
Author Keywords:
operative time
adult spinal deformity
length of stay
intensive care unit
blood loss
patient-reported outcome measures
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