D55. Surgical Specialty Most Implicated in the Treatment of Gunshot Wound-related Injuries Stratified by State Gun Law Strength

Corpuz, G., Premaratne, I. D., Wang, C., Toyoda, Y., Kurlansky, P. A., & Rohde, C. H. (2024). D55. Surgical Specialty Most Implicated in the Treatment of Gunshot Wound-related Injuries Stratified by State Gun Law Strength. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 12(S5), 94–95. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.gox.0001018708.08090.ec
George S. Corpuz
Ishani D. Premaratne
Chunhui Wang
Yoshiko Toyoda
Paul Kurlansky
Christine H. Rohde
Affiliated Authors:
George S. Corpuz
Chunhui Wang
Paul Kurlansky
Christine H. Rohde
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