EPID-07. Outcome disparities in children, adolescents and young adults with medulloblastoma: A population-based analysis

Genecin, I., Fullwood, D., Moisander-Joyce, H., Padilla, O., Minns, H., Garvin, J., Szalontay, L., Wu, C.-C., Kahn, J., & Gartrell, R. D. (2022). EPID-07. Outcome disparities in children, adolescents and young adults with medulloblastoma: A population-based analysis. Neuro-Oncology, 24(Supplement_1), i48–i48. https://doi.org/10.1093/neuonc/noac079.175
Isabel Genecin
Dottington Fullwood
Hanna Moisander‐Joyce
Oscar Padilla
Hanna E. Minns
James Garvin
Luca Szalontay
Cheng–Chia Wu
Justine M. Kahn
Robyn D. Gartrell
Affiliated Authors:
Isabel Genecin
Hanna Moisander‐Joyce
Oscar Padilla
Hanna E. Minns
James Garvin
Luca Szalontay
Cheng–Chia Wu
Justine M. Kahn
Robyn D. Gartrell
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