Supporting the utilization of community-based primary health care implementation research in Ghana

Awoonor-Williams, J. K., Phillips, J. F., Aboba, M., Vadrevu, L., Azasi, E., Tiah, J. A. Y., Schmitt, M. L., Patel, S., Sheff, M. C., & Kachur, S. P. (2022). Supporting the utilization of community-based primary health care implementation research in Ghana. Health Policy and Planning, 37(3), 420–427.
John Koku Awoonor-Williams
James F Phillips
Mathias Aboba
Lalitha Vadrevu
Esther Azasi
Janet Awopole Yepakeh Tiah
Margaret L Schmitt
Sneha Patel
Mallory C Sheff
S. Patrick Kachur
Affiliated Authors:
James F Phillips
Lalitha Vadrevu
Margaret L Schmitt
Sneha Patel
Mallory C Sheff
S. Patrick Kachur
Author Keywords:
community-based primary health care
community-based health planning and services
knowledge management
learning health system
implementation science
health systems strengthening
knowledge curation
research utilization
scaling up
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