The Study of the Epidemiology of Pediatric Hypertension Registry (SUPERHERO): Rationale and methods

South, A. M., Giammattei, V. C., Bagley, K. W., Bakhoum, C. Y., Beasley, W. H., Bily, M. B., Biswas, S., Bridges, A. M., Byfield, R. L., Campbell, J. F., Chanchlani, R., Chen, A., D’Agostino McGowan, L., Downs, S. M., Fergeson, G. M., Greenberg, J. H., Hill-Horowitz, T. A., Jensen, E. T., Kallash, M., … Weaver, D. J. (2024). The Study of the Epidemiology of Pediatric Hypertension Registry (SUPERHERO): rationale and methods. American Journal of Epidemiology, 193(12), 1650–1661.
Andrew M South
Victoria C Giammattei
Kiri W Bagley
Christine Y Bakhoum
William H Beasley
Morgan B Bily
Shupti Biswas
Aaron M Bridges
Rushelle L Byfield
Jessica Fallon Campbell
Rahul Chanchlani
Ashton Chen
Lucy D'Agostino McGowan
Stephen M Downs
Gina M Fergeson
Jason H Greenberg
Taylor A Hill-Horowitz
Elizabeth T Jensen
Mahmoud Kallash
Margret Kamel
Stefan G Kiessling
David M Kline
John R Laisure
Gang Liu
Jackson Londeree
Caroline B Lucas
Sai Sudha Mannemuddhu
Kuo-Rei Mao
Jason M Misurac
Margaret O Murphy
James T Nugent
Elizabeth A Onugha
Ashna Pudupakkam
Kathy M Redmond
Sandeep Riar
Christine B Sethna
Sahar Siddiqui
Ashley L Thumann
Stephen R Uss
Carol L Vincent
Irina V Viviano
Michael J Walsh
Blanche D White
Robert P Woroniecki
Michael Wu
Ikuyo Yamaguchi
Emily Yun
Donald J Weaver
Affiliated Authors:
Rushelle L Byfield
Author Keywords:
biomedical informatics
blood pressure
cardiovascular health
causal inference
child health
electronic health record
life course
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