A RE-AIM Evaluation of a Visualization-Based Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome System

Turchioe, M. R., Mangal, S., Goyal, P., Axsom, K., Myers, A., Liu, L. G., Lee, J., Campion, T. R., & Creber, R. M. (2023). A RE-AIM Evaluation of a Visualization-Based Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome System. Applied Clinical Informatics, 14(02), 227–237. CLOCKSS. https://doi.org/10.1055/a-2008-4036
Meghan Reading Turchioe
Sabrina Mangal
Parag Goyal
Kelly Axsom
Annie Myers
Lisa G Liu
Jessie Lee
Thomas R Campion
Ruth Masterson Creber
Affiliated Authors:
Meghan Reading Turchioe
Kelly Axsom
Annie Myers
Ruth Masterson Creber
Author Keywords:
data visualizations
patient engagement
patient-reported outcomes
remote assessment
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