Towards a novel clinical outcome assessment for systemic lupus erythematosus: first outcomes of an international taskforce

Connelly, K., Eades, L. E., Koelmeyer, R., Ayton, D., Golder, V., Kandane-Rathnayake, R., Gregory, K., Brunner, H., Burke, L., Arnaud, L., Askanase, A., Aranow, C., Vital, E., Pons-Estel, G., Dantata, K., Andersen, J., Cornet, A., Buie, J., … Sun, Y. (2023). Towards a novel clinical outcome assessment for systemic lupus erythematosus: first outcomes of an international taskforce. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 19(9), 592–602.
Kathryn Connelly
Laura E Eades
Rachel Koelmeyer
Darshini Ayton
Vera Golder
Rangi Kandane-Rathnayake
Kate Gregory
Hermine Brunner
Laurie Burke
Laurent Arnaud
Anca Askanase
Cynthia Aranow
Ed Vital
Guillermo Pons-Estel
Khadija Dantata
Jeanette Andersen
Alain Cornet
Joy Buie
Ying Sun
Yoshiya Tanaka
Lee Simon
Youmna Lahoud
Alan Friedman
Kenneth Kalunian
Qing Zuraw
Victoria Werth
Sandra Garces
Eric F Morand
Affiliated Authors:
Anca Askanase
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