Day-to-day associations of intersectional minority stressors with sleep health in sexual and gender minority people of color

Belloir, J. A., Ensari, I., Jackman, K., Shechter, A., Bhargava, A., Bockting, W. O., & Caceres, B. A. (2024). Day-to-day associations of intersectional minority stressors with sleep health in sexual and gender minority people of color. Health Psychology, 43(8), 591–602.
Joseph A Belloir
Ipek Ensari
Kasey Jackman
Ari Shechter
Anisha Bhargava
Walter O Bockting
Billy A Caceres
Affiliated Authors:
Joseph A Belloir
Kasey Jackman
Ari Shechter
Anisha Bhargava
Billy A Caceres
Author Keywords:
anticipated and experienced discrimination
intersectional minority stress
sexual and gender minority people of color
sleep health
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