Integrating a focus on health equity in implementation science: Case examples from the national cancer institute's implementation science in cancer control centers (ISC3) network

Aschbrenner, K. A., Oh, A. Y., Tabak, R. G., Hannon, P. A., Angier, H. E., Moore, W. T., Likumahuwa-Ackman, S., Carroll, J. K., Baumann, A. A., Beidas, R. S., Mazzucca-Ragan, S., Waters, E. A., Sadasivam, R. S., & Shelton, R. C. (2023). Integrating a focus on health equity in implementation science: Case examples from the national cancer institute’s implementation science in cancer control centers (ISC3) network. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 7(1).
Kelly A Aschbrenner
April Y Oh
Rachel G Tabak
Peggy A Hannon
Heather E Angier
W Todd Moore
Sonja Likumahuwa-Ackman
Jennifer K Carroll
Ana A Baumann
Rinad S Beidas
Stephanie Mazzucca-Ragan
Erika A Waters
Rajani S Sadasivam
Rachel C Shelton
Affiliated Authors:
Rachel C Shelton
Author Keywords:
cancer control
capacity building
community engagement
health equity
implementation science
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