Decreasing prevalence of centers meeting the Society for Vascular Surgery abdominal aortic aneurysm guidelines in the United States

Ramirez, J. L., Matthay, Z. A., Lancaster, E., Smith, E. J. T., Gasper, W. J., Zarkowsky, D. S., Doyle, A. J., Patel, V. I., Schanzer, A., Conte, M. S., & Iannuzzi, J. C. (2024). Decreasing prevalence of centers meeting the Society for Vascular Surgery abdominal aortic aneurysm guidelines in the United States. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 79(2), 240–249.
Joel L Ramirez
Zachary A Matthay
Elizabeth Lancaster
Eric J T Smith
Warren J Gasper
Devin S Zarkowsky
Adam J Doyle
Virendra I Patel
Andres Schanzer
Michael S Conte
James C Iannuzzi
Affiliated Authors:
Virendra I Patel
Author Keywords:
abdominal aortic aneurysm
aortic aneurysm
centers of excellence
regionalized care
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