Valved Sano conduit improves immediate outcomes following Norwood operation compared with nonvalved Sano conduit

Beqaj, H., Goldshtrom, N., Linder, A., Buratto, E., Setton, M., DiLorenzo, M., Goldstone, A., Barry, O., Shah, A., Krishnamurthy, G., Bacha, E., & Kalfa, D. (2024). Valved Sano conduit improves immediate outcomes following Norwood operation compared with nonvalved Sano conduit. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 167(4), 1404–1413.
Halil Beqaj
Nimrod Goldshtrom
Alexandra Linder
Edward Buratto
Matan Setton
Michael P. DiLorenzo
Andrew B. Goldstone
Oliver M. Barry
Amee Shah
Ganga Krishnamurthy
Emile Bacha
David Kalfa
Affiliated Authors:
Halil Beqaj
Nimrod Goldshtrom
Alexandra Linder
Edward Buratto
Matan Setton
Michael P. DiLorenzo
Andrew B. Goldstone
Oliver M. Barry
Amee Shah
Ganga Krishnamurthy
Emile Bacha
David Kalfa
Author Keywords:
conduit reintervention
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
pa reintervention
perioperative end-organ recovery
sano conduit
single ventricle function
valved sano conduit
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