Value-Based Interventions for Lower Extremity Peripheral Vascular Interventions

Altin, S. E., Box, L. C., Das, T., Feldman, D. N., Jayasuriya, S., Klein, A. J., Latif, F., Li, J., Parikh, S. A., Secemsky, E. A., Swaminathan, R. V., Boutin, E., Canorea-Vega, F., Chakrabarti, A. K., Hasegawa, J., Howie, N., Kohler, T., Lauridsen, H. M., Perez, O., … Zinn, L. (2023). Value-Based Interventions for Lower Extremity Peripheral Vascular Interventions. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 2(1), 100533.
S Elissa Altin
Lyndon C Box
Tony Das
Dmitriy N Feldman
Sasanka Jayasuriya
Andrew J Klein
Faisal Latif
Jun Li
Sahil A Parikh
Eric A Secemsky
Rajesh V Swaminathan
Ellie Boutin
Fely Canorea-Vega
Anjan K Chakrabarti
James Hasegawa
Nicole Howie
Toni Kohler
Holly M Lauridsen
Oscar Perez
Novena Rangwala
Michele Schicchi
Margaret Taber
John Venditto
Jude Wimberger
Laurie Zinn
Affiliated Authors:
Sahil A Parikh
Author Keywords:
chronic limb-threatening ischemia
lower-extremity peripheral vascular interventions
peripheral artery disease
quality of life
think tank
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