Outcomes of Medical Therapy Plus PCI for Multivessel or Left Main CAD Ineligible for Surgery

Salisbury, A. C., Grantham, J. A., Brown, W. M., Ballard, W. L., Allen, K. B., Kirtane, A. J., Argenziano, M., Yeh, R. W., Khabbaz, K., Lasala, J., Kachroo, P., Karmpaliotis, D., Moses, J., Lombardi, W. L., Nugent, K., Ali, Z., Gosch, K. L., Spertus, J. A., & Kandzari, D. E. (2023). Outcomes of Medical Therapy Plus PCI for Multivessel or Left Main CAD Ineligible for Surgery. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 16(3), 261–273. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcin.2023.01.003
Adam C Salisbury
J Aaron Grantham
W Morris Brown
William L Ballard
Keith B Allen
Ajay J Kirtane
Michael Argenziano
Robert W Yeh
Kamal Khabbaz
John Lasala
Puja Kachroo
Dimitri Karmpaliotis
Jeffrey Moses
William L Lombardi
Karen Nugent
Ziad Ali
Kensey L Gosch
John A Spertus
David E Kandzari
Affiliated Authors:
Ajay J Kirtane
Michael Argenziano
Dimitri Karmpaliotis
Jeffrey Moses
Ziad Ali
Author Keywords:
coronary artery disease
health status
multivessel coronary disease
patient-reported outcomes
percutaneous coronary intervention
quality of life
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