First-in-Human Dedicated Leaflet Splitting Device for Prevention of Coronary Obstruction in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

Dvir, D., Leon, M. B., Abdel-Wahab, M., Unbehaun, A., Kodali, S., Tchetche, D., Pibarot, P., Leipsic, J., Blanke, P., Gerckens, U., Manoharan, G., Harari, E., Hellou, E., Wolak, A., Ben-Assa, E., Jubeh, R., Shuvy, M., Koifman, E., Klein, C., & Kempfert, J. (2023). First-in-Human Dedicated Leaflet Splitting Device for Prevention of Coronary Obstruction in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 16(1), 94–102.
Danny Dvir
Martin B. Leon
Mohamed Abdel‐Wahab
Axel Unbehaun
Susheel Kodali
Didier Tchétché
Philippe Pîbarot
Jonathon Leipsic
Philipp Blanke
Ulrich Gerckens
Ganesh Manoharan
Emanuel Harari
Elias Hellou
Arik Wolak
Eyal Ben‐Assa
Rami Jubeh
Mony Shuvy
Edward Koifman
Christoph A. Klein
Jörg Kempfert
Affiliated Authors:
Martin B. Leon
Susheel Kodali
Author Keywords:
coronary artery obstruction
structural heart disease
transcatheter aortic valve replacement
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