Breakthroughs in understanding and treating eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases presented at the CEGIR/TIGERs Symposium at the 2022 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Meeting

Chehade, M., Wright, B. L., Atkins, D., Aceves, S. S., Ackerman, S. J., Assa’ad, A. H., Bauer, M., Collins, M. H., Commins, S. P., Davis, C. M., Dellon, E. S., Doerfler, B., Gleich, G. J., Gupta, S. K., Hill, D. A., Jensen, E. T., Katzka, D., Kliewer, K., Kodroff, E., … Rothenberg, M. E. (2023). Breakthroughs in understanding and treating eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases presented at the CEGIR/TIGERs Symposium at the 2022 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Meeting. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 152(6), 1382–1393.
Mirna Chehade
Benjamin L Wright
Dan Atkins
Seema S Aceves
Steven J Ackerman
Amal H Assa'ad
Maureen Bauer
Margaret H Collins
Scott P Commins
Carla M Davis
Evan S Dellon
Bethan Doerfler
Gerald J Gleich
Sandeep K Gupta
David A Hill
Elizabeth T Jensen
David Katzka
Kara Kliewer
Ellyn Kodroff
Leah C Kottyan
Shay Kyle
Amanda B Muir
Robert D Pesek
Kathryn Peterson
Wayne G Shreffler
Jonathan M Spergel
Mary Jo Strobel
Joshua Wechsler
Nives Zimmermann
Glenn T Furuta
Marc E Rothenberg
Affiliated Authors:
David Katzka
Eosinophilia (MeSH)
Enteritis (MeSH)
Gastritis (MeSH)
Asthma (MeSH)
Author Keywords:
eosinophilic esophagitis
eosinophilic gastritis
food allergy
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