The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) guidelines for the care of heart transplant recipients

Velleca, A., Shullo, M. A., Dhital, K., Azeka, E., Colvin, M., DePasquale, E., Farrero, M., García-Guereta, L., Jamero, G., Khush, K., Lavee, J., Pouch, S., Patel, J., Michaud, C., Shullo, M. A., Schubert, S., Angelini, A., Carlos, L., Mirabet, S., … Reinhardt, Z. (2023). The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) guidelines for the care of heart transplant recipients. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 42(5), e1–e141.
Angela Velleca
Michael A Shullo
Kumud Dhital
Estela Azeka
Monica Colvin
Eugene DePasquale
Marta Farrero
Luis García-Guereta
Gina Jamero
Kiran Khush
Jacob Lavee
Stephanie Pouch
Jignesh Patel
C J Michaud
Michael A Shullo
Stephan Schubert
Annalisa Angelini
Lilibeth Carlos
Sonia Mirabet
Jignesh Patel
Michael Pham
Simon Urschel
Kyung-Hee Kim
Shelly Miyamoto
Sharon Chih
Kevin Daly
Paolo Grossi
Douglas L Jennings
In-Cheol Kim
Hoong Sern Lim
Tara Miller
Luciano Potena
Angela Velleca
Howard Eisen
Lavanya Bellumkonda
Lara Danziger-Isakov
Fabienne Dobbels
Michelle Harkess
Daniel Kim
Haifa Lyster
Yael Peled
Zdenka Reinhardt
Affiliated Authors:
Douglas L Jennings
Columbia Affiliation:
Author Keywords:
cardiac transplant
heart transplant
heart transplant management
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