Probable PTSD, PTSD symptom severity, and comorbid PTSD and hazardous drinking among sexual minority women compared to heterosexual women: A meta-analysis

Scheer, J. R., Helminen, E. C., Cascalheira, C. J., Jaipuriyar, V., Shaw, T. J., Zabelski, S., Behari, K., Pirog, S., Batchelder, A. W., Possemato, K., Hughes, T. L., & Sullivan, T. P. (2023). Probable PTSD, PTSD symptom severity, and comorbid PTSD and hazardous drinking among sexual minority women compared to heterosexual women: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 102, 102283.
Jillian R Scheer
Emily C Helminen
Cory J Cascalheira
Virinca Jaipuriyar
Thomas J Shaw
Sasha Zabelski
Kriti Behari
Sophia Pirog
Abigail W Batchelder
Kyle Possemato
Tonda L Hughes
Tami P Sullivan
Affiliated Authors:
Tonda L Hughes
Author Keywords:
comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and hazardous drinking
posttraumatic stress disorder
sexual minority women
trauma exposure
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