Staged vs Complete Repair in Tetralogy of Fallot With Pulmonary Atresia

Boucek, K., Mastropietro, C. W., Beall, J., Keller, E., Beshish, A., Flores, S., Chlebowski, M., Yates, A. R., Choudhury, T. A., Mueller, D., Kwiatkowski, D. M., Migally, K., Karki, K., Willett, R., Radman, M. R., Reddy, C., Piggott, K., Capone, C. A., Kapileshwarkar, Y., … Costello, J. M. (2023). Staged vs Complete Repair in Tetralogy of Fallot With Pulmonary Atresia. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 115(6), 1463–1468.
Katerina Boucek
Christopher W Mastropietro
Jonathan Beall
Everette Keller
Asaad Beshish
Saul Flores
Meghan Chlebowski
Andrew R Yates
Tarif A Choudhury
Dana Mueller
David M Kwiatkowski
Karl Migally
Karan Karki
Renee Willett
Monique R Radman
Chetana Reddy
Kurt Piggott
Christine A Capone
Yamini Kapileshwarkar
Niranjan Vijayakumar
Elizabeth Prentice
Sukumar Suguna Narasimhulu
Renee H Martin
John M Costello
Affiliated Authors:
Tarif A Choudhury
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